Cooking from My Pantry: Healthy Snacking with Diabetes
Informational PowerPoint and recipe demonstration video
Cooking from My Pantry is a new series featuring Kirsten Romero, MS, RDN, a registered dietitian with the wellness program at Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia. While we’re all spending a lot more time at home, Kirsten is here to show you how you can make healthy recipes using real ingredients from your own pantry.
Below is a PowerPoint presentation on Healthy Snacking with Diabetes. Tune in and follow along. Don’t miss her video at the end where she demonstrates some healthy diabetes-friendly snacks made from ingredients in her own kitchen.
Healthy Snacking with Diabetes PowerPoint
Download the PowerPoint here: Download
If you can’t view the video in the PowerPoint, here it is:
Video: Healthy Snacking With Diabetes Recipes